Sarah and Benjamin Bixler
We, Benjamin and Sarah Bixler, combine our love for people, learning, history and farming at the Lincoln Homestead. Sarah teaches in practical theology and Benjamin in Bible and cultures. We see our academic work connecting with our work at the Lincoln Homestead as we reflect on how people living on this property were formed and as we learn and share the stories that arise from this place, both those that have been told and written in community histories as well as those that have not. We want to learn and share the history of this land and place in authentic ways that honor those who were here before us.
We also bring experience in historic restoration. In 2005, we salvaged and moved a nineteenth-century brick farmhouse from Pennsylvania and rebuilt it just a few miles from the Lincoln Homestead. We now look forward to restoring the Lincoln Homestead as a home for ourselves and our three children and farming the 9.5-acre property. We are imagining how we might make the Lincoln Homestead a place for local communities to learn about history and agriculture along with us. It is our deep desire to make this home a welcoming and hospitable place that honors the dignity of all people.