
Welcome to the Lincoln Homestead!

The Lincoln Homestead is located in Linville, Virginia, about 10 miles north of Harrisonburg. This federal-style home was built circa 1800 by Jacob Lincoln, great uncle to President Abraham Lincoln. It remained in the Lincoln family through the Civil War, until it was sold in 1874. The property today consists of the original 1800s brick house, two 1840 and 1874 additions, 9 acres of land, and the Lincoln family cemetery. In 2019, Benjamin and Sarah Bixler purchased the Homestead and began restoring it as their private home.

This site was created by Benjamin and Sarah Bixler to provide information about the Lincoln Homestead and Family Cemetery, registered on the Virginia Historic Landmarks and the National Register of Historic Places. From 2019-2021, the Bixlers worked extensively to restore the home, and you can view the progress on Facebook or Instagram.

In 2024, the site was updated with historical information about the Lincoln Family and architectural information about the home. Additionally, several digital components were added to allow anyone interested to view the home and cemetery, without having to visit the property. This was done by Sydney Ring, a Public History Masters’ student at James Madison University, as part of a thesis project. The goal in writing this thesis was to update the website to better represent the rich history of the Lincoln Homestead, and everyone who lived there. 3D models created using Sketchup were added in order to allow viewers to see the home as it may have looked when the Lincolns were living there.

Visit our Get Involved page for opportunities to participate in this project.

The Lincoln Family Cemetery is always open for visitors. Look for the sign along the old Rt. 42 roadbed on the north end of the property, park along the road, and follow the sign. However, there is no access to the rest of the property, except for scheduled events. The house and remaining grounds are a private residence and there is no trespassing.